Where to buy
Our Coconut Milk Kefir is available in many stores around Nova Scotia and will soon be available nationwide!
Are you a Canadian retailer who would like to carry our product in your store? Contact us to set up your retailer account today!
If you don't see your favorite retailer listed, print off our new retailer letter, take it to your local retailer and ask them to bring it in for you.
Click here for the printable pdf to take to your local retailer - send us a message letting us know you've requested it. As our thanks to you, when your retailer starts carrying our kefir - your first one is on us!
Here's where you can find it today:
Pete's Frootique & Fine Foods - Halifax & Bedford
Organic Earth Market - Halifax
Luminate Co Wellness Market - Bedford
Charlene's Nutrition Centre - Sydney
Supernutrition - Saulnierville
Noggins Corner Farm Market - Greenwich
Snowy River Farms - Cooks Brook
Honey & Ginger - Dartmouth & Bedford
ButterTrail Naturals - Tatamagouche